‘Treated by Nord C‘ – customization that makes iconic yachts more sustainable

Nord C Yachts, the Swedish luxury yacht brand, is extending its scope with the concept ‘Treated by Nord C’ – an opportunity for owners of iconic yachts to upgrade their boat with an electric powertrain and other customized details that make it more sustainable.

“Our intention is to refine these premium yachts with the utmost respect. ‘Treated by Nord C’ is about retaining iconic looks while replacing petrol or diesel engines with an ultra-modern electric powertrain,” explains Leif Tufvesson, co-founder and co-owner of Nord C Yachts.

He continues: “In addition, the concept includes other personalization possibilities that make each yacht unique. All refinements will stay true to our sustainable approach to design, development, production and use.”

Leif is the man behind the company Caresto, which has been the birthplace of some of the most outstanding special cars in the world, including a Volvo P1800 with an electric powertrain.

“The recently completed P1800 is a fine example of what we want to achieve at sea too. The original charismatic looks are still there, but the muscles have been shaped around the demands of a sustainable society,” he says.

Just like in road traffic, there will be changes related to emissions and sustainability also in the boating world.

 “If you own a beautiful yacht, you don’t want to risk that upcoming restrictions stop you from gliding into your favourite marinas. ‘Treated by Nord C’ enables you to make an impressive, silent entrance,” Leif says.

“In the future, even yachts that are factory-fitted with electric motors can become even more sustainable through innovative solutions, such as technology that enables you to manoeuvre without disturbing sensitive marine environments.”

The concept ‘Treated by Nord C’ is an addition to the company’s own ‘Nord C Fortyfive’ yacht, which breaks new ground in the boating world by combining outstanding luxury with a truly circular approach.


Thomas Andersson, who co-founded the company together with Leif Tufvesson, says:

“The ‘C’ in our brand name stands for ‘Circular’. It is the expression of our belief that luxury boating beyond premium also includes the responsibility to treat our planet with the respect she deserves.”

 “The new ‘Treated by Nord C’ is an extension of this approach. Another way to bring the liberty and openness that can be uniquely experienced at sea to an entirely new level,” he concludes.


About Nord C yachts

Nord C Yachts is a Swedish luxury yacht brand that blends the best of the yachting world with the standards of modern supercars. The ‘C’ stands for ‘Circular’ to underscore that the new Nord C Fortyfive is created with a truly circular approach to design, development, production and use. The company is founded and co-owned by the Swedish entrepreneurs Leif Tufvesson and Thomas Andersson; both with a solid track record in the booming Swedish automotive industry.

Discover the uniqueness of Nord C Yachts here.

Download hi-res images here.

Explore the special cars from Caresto here.




Leif Tufvesson


+46 (0)70 550 43 15
